13 Best WordPress Plugins for News Websites

See the list of the best news plugins for WordPress to create informative websites, blogs, scientific publication websites and many other options.

This article will tell you everything about these tools that will certainly help you build a news website that is reliable and at the same time comfortable for those on the other side of the computer or cell phone screen. Don’t waste time and enjoy reading!

WordPress Plugins for News Websites

With these plugins, even if you have just started your website, you will be able to convey trust and credibility , which is excellent for those in the communications field. So, see the 13 WordPress plugins for news websites below :

1. News & Blog Designer Pack

News & Blog Designer Pack is a WordPress news plugin that allows you to create news or blog pages on your WordPress website . This free plugin includes Widgets and shortcodes to add new functionality for displaying news on your website.

It allows you to display news using different formats and two different designs . Available features include news slider, grid, custom lists and much more functionality.

There is also a premium version that costs $49 per year and includes 90 news and blog designs for WordPress. The paid option of the plugin also includes integration with the famous Elementor page builder.

2. Search & Filter

Another highly recommended plugin is Search & Filter for WordPress. Since news sites always value having plenty of content to entertain subscribers and readers. After all, your audience is hungry for quality texts that satisfy them.

Therefore, it is a great option for users who want more speed and efficiency when searching for content on their website. Since it allows you to add filters that can make life easier for your reader who doesn’t want to struggle to find the news they’re looking for.

3. Wonder Slider Lite

If you are thinking about setting up a portal, whatever segment it is, it needs a lot of images to attract the attention of those on the other side of the screen. In this way, Wonder Plugin Carousel fulfills its promises to the letter. 

This is because it creates a real “carousel” with scroller images, lightbox videos and sliders, being compatible with several browsers such as Chrome, Firefox Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.

4. News Announcement Scroll

This plugin is certainly one of the most fundamental for news portals. Do you know your Facebook or Instagram feed? So, this extension will do the same with your news, which is continually updated , keeping your reader on your page, increasing permanence, since anything can happen in the blink of an eye.

With this tool, you can provide updates on news , highlight the latest events , sell advertisements , possible competitions , in short, all of this in a place where your audience will find it easily and intuitively on your portal.

5. Ditty News Ticker

To make it easier to understand this plugin, imagine that you are watching the news. You know that horizontal sign that runs at the bottom of the screen while the anchor talks about the main news of the day? So that is a Ticker and that will be exactly what will be applied to your portal.

Additionally, Ditty can be configured in three modes:

  • Scroll mode: News will automatically scroll in any direction;
  • Rotate mode: The news rotates at the speed you choose;
  • List mode: News in the form of a vertical list.

6. IssueM

IssueM allows you to transform WordPress into a powerful online publishing platform . He is very popular in creating online magazines and websites for scientific publications.

With it you can easily add scientific articles, publish a digital magazine, add widgets for listing publications and several other options aimed at the world of digital publications and online magazines.

7. Latest Posts

If you are thinking about creating a digital magazine , then you need to know Latest Posts. This WordPress plugin is well suited for highlighting your most recent posts within the website, showing the post thumbnails, time and date of publication.

It is known for its extreme ease and for being highly customizable through its widgets. Furthermore, it is easy to install and very minimalist , which is good for those who want a website whose language is simple for the reader.

8. Smart Slider 3

Smart Slider 3 is one of the most intuitive WordPress plugins out there. It was developed to create beautiful interactive slides in a short time and more: without using any type of code to do so.

It is largely responsive and compatible for any smartphone system, which is good for your website’s SEO . Furthermore, the extension allows you to freely change the typography of your text, making it more attractive and modern for your reader.

9. Ultimate WP Query Search Filter

The Ultimate WP Query Search Filter is a search engine that allows your website users to search for the content they want more precisely. There are search filters for taxonomies, post types and metafields.

Furthermore, you can perform searches using shortcodes and it is extensible for hooks, which is very good for anyone who wants to extend or modify a functionality of this extension.

10. YOP Polls

Your news site may have a lot of polls, right? So why not use YOP Polls? This WordPress plugin allows you to configure and add some search for your reader . 

In addition to including countless responses, you can program them: when one ends, the other starts immediately. Not to mention that you can always have access to the poll history to better understand your audience.

This extension works in an easy and intuitive way, allowing you to program with a few shortcodes and widgets.

11. 3D FlipBook

3D Flip Book is a plugin that makes the experience of your news website much more interesting and realistic, as it makes the PDF or HTML look like a book or a weekly magazine .

Certainly this strategy alone makes your website more inviting to new readers and new subscribers . Which is very welcome in itself.

The plugin makes the experience much more interactive , in addition to allowing you to customize it, making it more in line with your website.

This is another WordPress plugin that makes beautiful carousels of your images and videos on your website. Highly responsive , Carousel Silder is excellent for anyone who wants images and videos that interact with their website readers . 

It supports multiple image and video sizes and is compatible in all major browsers. Another interesting detail is that it is worked through shortcodes , making it possible to create the carousel in the menu itself.

13. Soliloquy Lite

This plugin is excellent for anyone who wants to place interactive images on their website. In addition to being responsive, Soliloquy Lite promises you to build beautiful slides for your portal, in minutes, without wasting much time .

It is certainly one of the safest and most user-friendly extensions you will find on WordPress. Furthermore, it is SEO friendly, that is, it will make your portal very Google-friendly, which is excellent for those who want to increase engagement .

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